Louise Richards
Visual Artist
Degree Show 2018
Imagination Outstrips Ability
The inspiration for Louise's degree show was Identity her journey to this point in life, taking a wry look at old school reports, and how one can be unfairly labelled. What does our identity boil down to? Fingerprints! From cave wall to our earliest encounters with art at school to opening our phones, our fingerprints are an important part of our identity in response Louise created, paintings, photographs and video and sound pieces.

59.4 x 84.1cm Photoshopped photograph.

59.4 x 84.1cm Photoshopped photograph.

60 x 90 cm Glue, pigment on Canvas

180 x 170cm Pigment, oil,oil bar on stretched linen.

160 x 180cm Pigment, oil, oil bar on stretched linen

Engraved school desk, pigment, sand clay.

140 x 190 cm Painting on canvas Pigment, charcoal, oil.

40 x 58 cm Painting on foam board.

42 x 59 cm Painting on Paper. Pigment, oil

42 x 59cm Painting on paper with projection on top